What Kind Of Chocolate Are You?

The Parallels of Chocolate and Christianity

By Becky Baxa

Do you love chocolate? Do you love God? If the answer to both questions are “yes”, then this book is for you. Whether you are a chocolate connoisseur or simply one who loves to bask in the rich aromas and flavors of the chocolate-enhanced life, you will love Becky Baxa’s new book. “What Kind of Chocolate are You?” will go with you through the journey of becoming a mature Christian and be an inspiration to strengthen your faith; challenging you to new heights through the reflections into your soul, and inspiring you to be sweetly delicious to God and others.

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Quantities of five or more copies of What Kind of Chocolate Are You? may be purchased from White Feather Press, by contacting the publisher, Skip Coryell at: http://whitefeatherpress.com; skipcoryell@hotmail.com; Phone: 269-838-5586.


This is a wonderful book! I was hooked from the first paragraph. I found myself laughing and nodding my head in agreement on many occasions throughout the book. I felt as if I was having a personal conversation with the author. From a spiritual standpoint I was amazed at the parallels we find in life through the word of God and something as sinful as chocolate, who knew? After receiving this book, I took it home and read it from cover to cover enjoying all the stories and learning so much about the journey of chocolate creation. I was so uplifted by this book I bought one to share with a close friend and she in turn gobbled it up upon receiving it. So enjoy, you won't be disappointed. —Nancy Pfeiffer
I loved this book and found myself reading it front to back in one evening. I had no idea the process that chocolate goes through to become "chocolate" and this book went into great detail. The author takes you on a chocolate journey while intertwining it with scripture. I found myself laughing, crying and uplifted comparing the work that goes into making chocolate with our walk in our Christian life. A very fun read and one you could use to introduce Biblical principles to young readers while they also learn how to make chocolate. I totally recommend this heartfelt book! —Renee A. Cataldo
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get; I suppose Forrest Gump might have a point, but in this case, you can be confident that you're getting a thoughtful and meaningful Scriptural study covered by a delicious history of one of the best desserts known to man. Becky Baxa has done a great job relating some of her own journey and challenging readers in their own lives and walk with the Lord. This book would be great for personal study or for a small group. —btreader
I love the style in which you write, like a friend telling stories for you gently and sweetly. And I love the sentence you put in the dedication part: "May future generations learn how to be sweetly delicious to our Heavenly Father." I also hope I can be sweet and pleasing to Him. I will explore more about His love with your book. —Gillian
An interesting, unique and thoughtful way to teach Christian ideas and values. —Bill Thomas, Author, Minister, Teacher
This book is humorous and inspiring and warm all wrapped up into a lovely package. It is an inspiring and joyful look at what God expects from us. —Sara Coryell Vice President, White Feather Press

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