Hidden Splendor Blog

Ways to Keep Your Kids Summer Safe, Fun and Productive

Hidden Splendor was recently contacted by http://mydadventures.com mydadventures offered an article that shared ideas and resources tohelp continue learning (in fun and creative ways) through the summer months for the school-age/older child. June, July and August provide opportunities for our children to continue learning in a non-school setting. This is ideal for the student who […]

Parent Resource Introduction

“It takes a village” is a common saying and it is so true. So, when Hidden Splendor finds a resource that helps and assists parents and families, they are only too happy to share. The family unit is the cornerstone of society!  It’s health is vital to the social wellness of our country’s future.  Anything we […]

Good Old Fashion Fun!

Source: Miraculous, Magical Moments in Minutes: Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share, by Becky Baxa. More information can be found on pages 83-88 Drop the clothespin in a bottle. If you don’t have any clothespins, play a modified version of this long time favorite. Use an un-sharpened pencil and an […]

Another Day… All Home Together… What Will We Do?

With the outbreak of Coronovirus, families have found themselves together for days on end with more days to come. Homeschooling may not be your thing and now you are faced with 24/7 responsibilities. As you place on the hat of teacher, as well as parent, many are scrambling for resources and ideas. We certainly don’t […]

The Christmas Story

Are you looking for a unique way to incorporate the real Christmas Story into your family celebration?  Are you searching for a way to capture your kid’s attention? You are invited to hear and watch as the Christmas Story is read from the Holy Bible in Hidden Splendor’s You Tube presentation. Focus on the facts […]

Family Activities That Keep Christ in Christmas

  Maintain focus on the true meaning of Christmas, while establishing strong roots of faith in your children through quick, simple holiday activities and traditions. Join Becky Baxa (educator, author, child and family advocate) as she shares a “show and tell” demonstration of family activities that keep Jesus, the greatest gift of all time, focused […]

Reading to Babies: An Invaluable Gift

Invaluable…Valuable beyond calculable estimation…  Priceless…  That is the gift you give your child when you begin reading to them the moment they are born. Numerous articles can be found on the importance and value to your child if you begin reading to them from the minute they are born (or even before!).  You may think, […]

Traditional Turkey Hand Print

The traditional hand print turkey never gets old.  That is why each year we revisit this simple, easy, quick and fun activity that can include every member of the family from young to old!  This is a classic treasure!  Each year when my kids were little we would make a hand print turkey. The boys would […]