Hidden Splendor was recently contacted by http://mydadventures.com mydadventures offered an article that shared ideas and resources tohelp continue learning (in fun and creative ways) through the summer months for the school-age/older child. June, July and August provide opportunities for our children to continue learning in a non-school setting. This is ideal for the student who […]
More Than a Piece of Chalk
Chalk… a stick of originally white porous sedimentary carbonate rock. A form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. It gets on our fingers and clothes and now , a popular children’s “toy” available in a rainbow of colors for children to play with each summer. Such a scientific description for a whole lot of […]
Play-Dough Snow!
As I opened the cabinet door a small tube of glitter hopped out and bounced across the counter. What a marvelous idea! Today is a perfect day to make “snow” play-dough. This is a perfect activity, both in the making of the play-dough and also in continued play, for the holidays. Making and playing with […]
Leaf Creatures
Now is the perfect time of the year to explore the great outdoors. So, grab a bag (plastic, paper or canvas) and head outdoors to discover fall treasures. After your expedition, come inside and have a show and tell of what each person found. This is a great time to share feelings and thoughts about why […]
Simple Joys!
My July 9th post was about letting kids be… well kids! It has been my philosophy for years, and one in which I receive great delight. In today’s electronic age I often wondered if I was becoming old fashioned in my thoughts. Then recently, while we were traveling, a thunderstorm blew in quickly. We scrambled for cover […]
Cloud Picture Show
Yesterday was a picture perfect Autumn day. The sun shone brightly on the emerging colors that announce that fall has arrived. There was a brisk, cool breeze that nipped at your nose, made your hair fly around in crazy patterns and instinctively commanded you hug your jacket close around your neck. The air smelled like fall. How can you […]