Recently, I had the privilege to visit and work with an amazing team of child care professionals at the Atlanta Children’s Shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta Children’s Shelter provides free, quality child care, emotional support, an educational curriculum for homeless children ages newborn to 5 years, and focused social services for families. They address […]
More Than a Piece of Chalk

Chalk… a stick of originally white porous sedimentary carbonate rock. A form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. It gets on our fingers and clothes and now , a popular children’s “toy” available in a rainbow of colors for children to play with each summer. Such a scientific description for a whole lot of […]
Simple Joys!

My July 9th post was about letting kids be… well kids! It has been my philosophy for years, and one in which I receive great delight. In today’s electronic age I often wondered if I was becoming old fashioned in my thoughts. Then recently, while we were traveling, a thunderstorm blew in quickly. We scrambled for cover […]