picture source unknown My four year old came screaming into the house carrying a bird’s nest. At the top of his lungs he yelled, “MOM!, look what I found! Do we have a book about this?” My husband looked at me, raised one eyebrow and shook his head. He muttered, “you’ve ruined that boy!”. […]
What Do You think?
It is rather exciting! Creating Magical Moments Blog has people peeking in from over 18 countries. We would like to know what you think? What brings you back to this site? What are you looking for? What type of activities would you like to see more of? What are some of your […]
The Important Things in Life…
Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? It’s not too late to add one more. A resolution that will benefit you and your family forever. How much time do you spend each day interacting and communicating with your family? Spouse? Children? Most people overestimate the number of minutes they spend daily with their […]
The Importance of Family Time
We know we should spend time with our family and they should be a top priority. Why is it then that work and other responsibilities frequently squeeze out that valuable time together? Charles Hummel said, “Our greatest danger in life is in permitting the urgent things to crowd out the important”. Below is a link that […]