Hidden Splendor Blog

Leaf Creatures

Now is the perfect time of the year to explore the great outdoors.  So, grab a bag (plastic, paper or canvas) and head outdoors to discover fall treasures.  After your expedition, come inside and have a show and tell of what each person found.  This is a great time to share feelings and thoughts about why […]

Jar of Gumballs Costume

I thought it was a grand idea!  It was quick, easy, inexpensive and most of all fun!   I had seen the idea in a magazine and was eager to try it out.  Although it wasn’t the best traveling costume,  I felt it was worth the inconvenience.  This was twenty five years ago, but my son […]

Jack-o-Lantern Fun!

I just recently returned from a trip “up north”.  The colors were amazing and the air was crisp and cool!  It seemed that about every mile, we passed a produce stand.  It was glorious.  One stand had an old fashioned scale with weights and balances, like the kind you could find in doctor’s offices.  It […]

Nature Detective

We are now in the heart  of fall, a beautiful season! Today’s activity is so simple you will wonder why you hadn’t thought of it… or maybe you have!  yea!    Grab a basket, shopping bag or some type of container with handles.   Grab a coat and bug spray, if needed, and head outside.   […]

1-2-3 JUMP! The Fun of Raking Leaves.

Have you heard the expression, “Many Hands Make Light Work”? This is such a true statement and the reason our family owned four pitchforks. For you see, even though the kids grumbled going to the barn to clean stalls, we always ended up having lots of fun together and everyone was smiling when we left […]

Fall Leaf Pressing Projects

            The fall season officially started on September 23.  As the trees become flaming sources of color for your delight, it is fun to bring some of that beauty into your home.  Here are a couple of fun projects that can be enjoyed for those ages 2-102.              Take a nature hike and collect pretty […]

Leaf Rubbings

There was  crispness in the air this morning with a promise that fall was approaching.  As I drove down the lane tiny shivers of joy ran up my body as I gazed at my favorite maple tree.  It was starting to change colors! It is by far the Queen of Fall trees and never fails […]

Apple Judging Contest and so much more

Fall is fast approaching and orchards are displaying the fruits of their labor. Scarecrows, corn mazes, colored leaves, pumpkins and apples are the symbols of the season. For the next several weeks we will explore a variety of seasonal activities for you and your family to enjoy. Today, we will start off with an apple […]


The kids want a snack.. You want them to eat nutritiously…  They need a little fun and excitement  along with an activity to exert some of their abundance of physical energy.    Below is a perfect solution! It takes just a little time, but produces big results. It is also an activity that can be made independently […]