The days are getting shorter and the nights are cooling off. The intense heat of summer has left us once more. For those who have been hiding inside in the air conditioning, it is time to go outside and play! The change of the seasons is an exciting time of year. Plants are making seeds, changing colors and animals are collecting food for the Winter months. Now is the time to stop and explore your outside world. It may be a trip to the park or a local nature center, a walk in your yard or pasture, down the road or an excursion around the block. Wherever you live, there is nature to observe and explore.
When traveling on foot it is amazing the things you see that are overlooked while driving. Recently we vacationed on a lake that was nestled in thick forest. We had to drive over 5 miles on dirt and two track roads to arrive at our destination. It was an exciting and wonderful drive! However, the morning I decided to take a walk down the lane, I was shocked to find things I had totally missed while driving. A toad stool nestled at the base of a tree, plaited woodpecker holes traveling up and down a dead tree, soft tufts of moss as thick and lush as carpeting lay scattered on the Forrest floor, bubble bees were busy at work and butterflies floated along the wind currents. Fresh pine scent from a tree downed by a recent storm filled each breath and the melody of songbirds delighted my ears. The beauty on foot thrilled the senses. All of these things were missed when driving down the road!
So, turn off the computer, step outside and see what you can find!
This Blog Post is inspired from the book:
Miraculous, Magical Moments in Minutes:
Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share
by Becky B. Baxa
If you would like more fun ideas to share with your children
(that do not require batteries or electronics )
you can purchase this 180 page book,
full of color photos,
for $21.95
from or
from the gift shop at Shaw Nature Reserve in Gray Summit, MO,
Silver Dollar City General Store in Branson, MO.
This book can also be checked out of the following libraries:
Scenic Regional Library – Pacific, MO
First Christian Church – Washington, MO
Hawaii State Library – Honolulu, HI
Story City Public Library – Story City, IA
Ellsworth Public Library – Ellsworth, ME
Ludington Public Library – Ludington, MI