There are so many ways to tell someone that you approve, like, love, or are proud of them.
What is your favorite “praise phrase”?
“Somehow it always seems that we use the same phrases. I didn’t believe this, until one year when I was teaching high school my picture appeared in the Year Book. It was a photo of me with a huge smile… so far so good… my hand raised in apparent delight… again, so far so good and then the caption… “Wonderful! Wonderful!!”. It was then that I realized, that phrase was used BY ME for everything that pleased me. I dug out a list of ways to praise your child that I used when teaching self esteem. I began to explore other ways to praise my students and my children. What is your favorite “praise phrase?” Do you mix them up or do you have a catch-all. I challenge you to expand your horizons and think of more ways than on the list. I know you will do “wonderfully!””
Below is a list from the book: Miraculous, Magical, Moments in Minutes:
Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share by Becky Baxa.
(available in paperback or kindle addition from
Which phrases do you use? Do you find yourself using the same old phrase for everything?
What new ones would you like to add to your “praise vocabulary”?
WOW Way to go Super You sure are special Outstanding Excellent Great
Good Neat Well done Remarkable I knew you could do it I’m PROUD of you
Fantastic Super star Beautiful Nice work Looking good You’re on top of it
Positively 100% Beautiful Now you’re flying You’re spectacular You are important
You tried hard You make me happy You’ve got a friend You make me laugh
You brighten my day I respect you That’s correct You’re a JOY You’re a treasure
You’re wonderful You’re catching on Now you’ve got it You’re incredible Bravo
You’re fantastic Hurray for you You’re on target Nice Terrific How smart Good job
That’s incredible Hot dog Dynamite You’re beautiful You’re unique Bingo
Good for you I like you You’re a winner Remarkable job Beautiful work Spectacular
You care That’s perfect Awesome A+ job You’re OK My buddy You made my day
That’s the best Give them a hug A giant kiss Fantastic job You’re darling
You’re precious Great discovery You’ve discovered the secret You figured it out
Fantastic job Hip, hip, hurray Nothing can stop you now Magnificent Marvelous
You’re on your way now You mean the world to me Phenomenal Exceptional
You’re a real trooper You’re real responsible You learned it right You are exciting
What an imagination What a good listener You are fun You’re growing up
Beautiful You are important You mean a lot to me Say, I LOVE YOU!
A nod, smile combo A SMILE! EYE CONTACT with all of the above!
Go through the list and mark your favorites.
Can you think of your own to add?
There are 97 phrases listed.
Can you think of 3 more to make it 100?
Let me know what you come up with!