Strong families are essential for a healthy society.
Strong societies build a better world.
You can make a difference in our world by focusing on the importance of your family unit.
Strong families are built with effective communication and strong relationships.
Strong families do not just happen… they have to be built.
It is the strong family that survives and grows stronger, binding together
in life’s turbulence and storms.
You can build a strong family by DAILY positive interaction and communication.
Make it a priority to spend time with your family every day having FUN!
Quality time together does not have to cost a lot of money or take huge amounts of time.
Resources to help you achieve this goal:
Check out the pinterest site below.
On this site you will find thousands of ideas focused on building stronger families.
Another resource is the book:
Miraculous, Magical Moments in Minutes:
Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share. by Becky B. Baxa
180 pages of family fun that cost little to nothing.
Available at Amazon.com and Etsy.com
Remember… it is not the big trip you take or the expensive gifts
that build life long memories and strong families.
It is the daily interaction and communication that builds
a beautiful lifetime “quilt” of memories and strong family ties.
Wishing you many magical moments!