To help boost the self esteem of your children and spouse,
here are some thoughts on hugs.
This excerpt was taken from the book, Miraculous, Magical Moments in Minutes:
Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share by Becky Baxa
(available in paper back and Kindle edition from Amazon.com)
(available in paper back and Kindle edition from Amazon.com)
The Wonderful Amazing HUG!
“Hugs…there is so much to say about hugs! Hugging is good for people. It makes both people feel better. One size fits all, it uses little energy but gives a huge power boost! Hugs help relieve tension, reduce stress, help you relax and feel loved. They fight depression and loneliness. Hugs make you beam with a raised self esteem. They are free with no negative side effects. They don’t require batteries or check-ups and are available in endless supply. Hugs are chemical free, naturally sweet, and are 100 percent wholesome.
Have you ever noticed the “huggy” people in your lives always find the positive and seem to be filled with more joy? Without a doubt, hugs generate good will, open up feelings of being connected, safe and accepted. A hug might possibly be the best “medicine” you can get or give each day.
So, your miraculous moment is to give hugs! Hugs in the morning, hugs in the noon time, hugs in the evening, hugs at bedtime. HUGS! It is a precious moment that will create magical memories for both the giver and the receiver! So go hug someone! Never hug tomorrow someone you can hug today. “
Hug coupons are so much fun! Make your own, or copy the ones below and pass them out. Have a family fun night where everyone designs their own hug coupons! Create special envelopes or containers to hold the coupons. Each one designed to show each individual’s personality.
“Children love to get these. They can save them for a time when they need a hug and you don’t notice first. Then, of course, when presented with the coupon, stop and redeem the value immediately! That’s a great door opener for a conversation too! Walk through that opportunity door and get to know your loved one better.”
Have you hugged someone today?
Miraculous, Magical Moments in Minutes:
Over 500 Quick, Easy Activities for Adults and Children to Share
by Becky Baxa
Available from http://www.Amazon.com
in both Kindle and Paperback versions