“It takes a village” is a common saying and it is so true. So, when Hidden Splendor finds a resource that helps and assists parents and families, they are only too happy to share. The family unit is the cornerstone of society! It’s health is vital to the social wellness of our country’s future. Anything we […]
Traditional Turkey Hand Print
The traditional hand print turkey never gets old. That is why each year we revisit this simple, easy, quick and fun activity that can include every member of the family from young to old! This is a classic treasure! Each year when my kids were little we would make a hand print turkey. The boys would […]
Snowman Building “Kit”

We had our second snow of the season yesterday. It included a slippery layer of ice that shone in the sun like glass. Our outdoor view was transformed into a sea of diamonds in the sun’s reflection. Yes, winter had arrived with a mighty announcement that the season was here to stay. Then it struck […]
Apple Judging Contest and so much more
Fall is fast approaching and orchards are displaying the fruits of their labor. Scarecrows, corn mazes, colored leaves, pumpkins and apples are the symbols of the season. For the next several weeks we will explore a variety of seasonal activities for you and your family to enjoy. Today, we will start off with an apple […]
The Value of a Smile- Smile Coupons

Let’s continue on with last week’s blog entry. After all, the simple smile is probably the fastest, easiest thing you can do, yet it is often them most overlooked in our hurry up, electronic, screen based society. Here is a quote from one of my favorite books. 🙂 “Smiles are such an amazing, wonderful thing. […]
Daily Question
Would you like to start the New Year by increasing the closeness of family members? Increasing your interaction and communication with family members is as easy as asking a simple question. The activity below will be as popular with your teenager as it will be with your preschool aged child. I have participated in this […]