Oh where, oh where, is my other green sock?
You can match anything! Hearts, stars, Easter eggs, flowers, animals, socks, mittens, etc.
Younger children select one shape, then find the matching shape to make it a pair.
Lotto Game
Directions on how to make your matching game:
Use: old wallpaper books, cardstock, heavy wrapping paper or construction paper. Make as many pairs as you wish.
A heart shaped box left over from a Valentine’s treat is fun to store matching hearts.
Empty metal containers that cookies and candy came packaged in, are great for storing games.
You can also use envelopes, plastic sheet protectors, ziploc bags, etc. Be creative.
Keep in mind… how you store games, activities and toys
sends a silent message to your children on how that item should be treated.
Nice container= treat the thing inside with care.
Special storage containers also help children with clean up. It becomes a matching game.
Example: storing small plastic animals in a container that has animals printed on the outside.
If you are having trouble finding the perfect container, you can add your own pictures to containers to help children match what is being stored to the container.
Evaluate every food container before your throw it away. Ask: Can I use this to store something?
Use pictures from the computer OR… take a photo of the actual toy then print the photo.
Cut it out and tape it onto the container with clear packing tape.
Creating matching games is only as endless as your imagination! Having trouble thinking of more ideas? Ask your children! They are the best when it comes to creativity and imagination. Have fun making these matching games TOGETHER and then playing with them. Prepare yourself for many hours of fun!